
Plan an Event

Do you want to host your event at the park?

Some large events such as weddings, athletic contests, company parties, etc. may require a Special Activity Permit.

Please contact the park if you would like to plan an event. You can schedule a tour with a park staff member to plan and learn about fees and other permits.

The application for a Special Activity Permit must be submitted at least 14 days in advance of the date of the event to be considered by park staff.

Education Building

The Education Building at Singletary Lake State Park offers a space for up to 30 people for educational meetings, presentations, and programs. It is conveniently located near the trailhead for CCC Loop Trail and the pier.

Restrooms and drinking fountains are nearby. The building is accessible to people with limited mobility or disabilities.

The building is open to reservations year-round, except on Christmas Day. The building may be utilized only during park business hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Reservations are required by submitting the form below:

Facility Reservations Form

The facility costs $78 per day; this is split up in two payments: a $39 deposit and the remaining $39 fee due at check-in. Your reservation will not be processed until the deposit is received, so please make sure you send the check shortly after sending the form to confirm your selected dates.

Interior shot of the Educational Building at Singletary Lake State Park
Inside the Education Building. Photo by A. Bernhardt.
Exterior shot of the Educational Building at Singletary Lake State Park
Exterior of the Education Building. Photo by A. Bernhardt.