

Long Valley Farm

Long Valley Farm has two trails, the Rockefeller Loop Trail and the Cypress Point Loop Trail. These trails are for hiking and biking only. From the Cypress Point Loop Trail, you can look toward the dam and see the pavilion, which used to be a sawmill in the 1800s, and the grist mill, which played a vital role in utilizing waterpower in the 1900s. In total, just under 3 miles of trail offer an easy walk on sand and gravel. These two trails were once roads during the peak of the farm in the 1950s.

Status of park trails

Sandhills access

The trail system of the Sandhills access totals just over 10 miles, which is composed of seven trails on sandy soil. During your visit, you will likely see the active red-cockaded woodpecker trees (marked with a white band) and you may even see a fox squirrel scampering off into the woods. There are two creek crossings off Longleaf Pine Trail, the latter of which is footbridge. These trails are "pack in, pack out" — please bring enough water for your adventure and take your trash back to the parking lot with you.

Pets are permitted on all park trails. Pets must be on an attended leash of no longer than 6 feet at all times. Please pick up after your pet when you are at the park; pet waste is not fertilizer and can put plants, other animals, and visitors at risk for disease. Please dispose of pet waste in garbage bins and do not throw waste bags in the woods or leave them on the ground. When sharing a trail, hikers with pets should yield to all other trail users, including bicyclists and horseback riders.


Horseback riding

Long Valley Farm

Both trails at Long Valley Farm are also open to biking. When sharing these trails, bicyclists should yield to hikers.

Horseback riding is not permitted at Long Valley Farm access.

Status of park trails

Sandhills access

All seven trails at Sandhills access are open to biking and horseback riding. There is horse trailer parking available at the access.

Please note that hikers must yield to horseback riders, and bicyclists must yield to both hikers and horseback riders by stopping and moving to the side of the trail. These trails are "pack in, pack out" – please bring enough water for your adventure and take your trash back to the parking lot with you.

The parking lot and some sections of trail have crush and run rock where trail tends to be wet. Boots and shoes are suggested for horses in these areas. Please do not take your bike or horse off-trail, as this can damage fragile longleaf pine ecosystems and wildlife.

Attention: Bike and Bridle Trail Users

Bike and bridle trails are closed at times for construction, poor trail conditions due to weather, or other reasons, for both visitor safety and protection of the trail and natural resources. Trails are expensive to construct, maintain and repair. Disregarding trail closures results in:

  • Delaying or prolonging construction or repair;
  • Damaging the trails, incurring significant costs and further closure time for additional repair; and
  • Endangering yourself, state park staff and EMS staff who would work to get you out of harm's way if you are lost or hurt.

Thank you for respecting our park's natural resources, facilities and fellow park visitors.


The millpond, which has been on Long Valley Farm since the 1850s, is an excellent spot for fishing. Please help us protect this area by using only the footpath access to the water. This will prevent erosion and reduce your exposure to ticks, chiggers, and snakes. It is a 1-mile roundtrip hike to fish at the millpond.

In addition, two ponds at the Sandhills access offer fishing opportunities. Access the fishing ponds on foot, by bicycle or on horseback. At this time, there is no vehicle access to the fishing areas.

A North Carolina Inland Fishing License is required to fish in the park. N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission fishing regulations are enforced.


Bring a packed lunch and have a picnic or simply sit and enjoy nature at Long Valley Farm access. There are picnic tables along both trails at the access, with trash and recycling bins nearby.

A wheelchair-accessible picnic table is located adjacent to the parking area in front of the park office. This picnic area also has a grill.

There is a historic garage adjacent to the Rockefeller house with a grill and picnic tables. This structure also functions as a rain shelter.


The longleaf pine ecosystem at both accesses of Carvers Creek State Park are home to the federally endangered red-cockaded woodpeckers. Trees with active woodpecker holes are marked with a white band. In addition, the seven other species of woodpeckers found in North Carolina also live in the park forests. Other birds that can be spotted include blue grosbeaks, pine and Blackburnian warbles, and Savannah sparrows.


There are no fees to access the park for most day-use activities, including hiking, biking and fishing.

Picnic tables are free to use and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

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