On May 30, 1974, Mount Mitchell was designated as a National Natural Landmark. N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources Secretary D. Reid Wilson and Division of Parks and Recreation Director Brian Strong visited Mount Mitchell State Park on May 31 to help commemorate the 50th anniversary.
In addition to Mount Mitchell, five other North Carolina State Parks sites were designated under the NNL program on the same day, including Mount Jefferson State Natural Area, Nags Head Woods and Jockey’s Ridge State Park, Piedmont Beech Natural Area (within Umstead State Park), Stone Mountain State Park, and Pilot Mountain State Park. Two privately owned sites, the Green Swamp and the Long Hope Creek Spruce Bog, were also designated National Natural Landmarks in 1974.
“Our State Park system started at Mount Mitchell, the highest mountain in the eastern United States,” said Secretary Wilson. “The National Natural Landmarks program is critical to the preservation and recognition of these incredibly important places. We’re thrilled to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the designation of these natural wonders and reiterate North Carolina’s commitment to preserve and protect our environment.”
Secretary Wilson serves as a member of the National Park System Advisory Board.
One of the Board’s duties is to review and recommend new National Natural Landmarks to the Secretary of Interior. According to the National Park Service, “The site must be one of the ‘best’ examples of a type of biological community or geological feature in its biophysiographic province.”
“We are grateful for the foresight of the National Park Service and the NC Division of Parks and Recreation who ensured the perpetual protection of these amazing places,” said Director Strong.
North Carolina has a total of 13 National Natural Landmarks out of a total of 604 around the country. The NNL program was established in 1962 with the first site designations occurring in 1964. The 50th-anniversary milestone is remarkable in that it recognizes 50 years of voluntary conservation, commitment, and partnership with landowners and managers of these NNL sites. For more information: https://www.nps.gov/subjects/nnlandmarks/