2025-2030 NC Outdoor Recreation Plan

Federal government grants are an important source of funding for parks and recreation in North Carolina. For states to be eligible for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, a Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan, or SCORP, must be updated every 5 years.

The Department of Natural and Cultural Resources and the Division of Parks and Recreation manage the LWCF apportionment for North Carolina. In 2020, the federal Great American Outdoors Act permanently made offshore oil and natural gas royalties a dedicated funding source for the LWCF.

The 2025-2030 SCORP is called "Shaping Outdoor Recreation from Mountains to Sea."

Project Schedule

November 2023Kick-off
Spring 2024Project planning
June 2024Scientific survey mailed out
Spring – Summer 2024Regional engagement events
August 2024

Recreation providers 

Online surveys

October 2024

Completion of in-person engagement events

Completion of review of previous plans 

Winter 2024First draft chapters provided to team for review
February 2025Summary of findings from assessments 
April 2025Recommendations
June 2025Draft SCORP to DPR
August 2025Draft SCORP out for public comment
September 2025Public engagement 
October 2025Adoption

Project Themes

Health & Wellbeing

This plan aims to transform parks into dynamic spaces for physical activity, mental rejuvenation, and social connection.


This plan seeks to achieve lasting resiliency and build sustainable, adaptive park systems that prepare our communities for future challenges. 

Access & Equity

This plan commits to universal access and inclusion by reimagining parks as welcoming, safe, and valued places.

Economic Impact

This plan aspires to harness the transformative power of parks to stimulate business development, tourism, and community investment.

Statewide Engagement Campaign 


  • World Refugee Day, Raleigh
  • Durham Bulls Stadium, Durham
  • Folkmoot Festival, Waynesville
  • Juneteenth Event, Marion
  • Mum Festival, New Bern
  • Harvest Festival, Halifax County

Focus Groups

Three Key Groups:

  • Conservation
  • Recreation
  • Education

Over 20 agencies and organizations identified as parters.


Four stakeholder groups:

  • Health and wellness
  • Access and equity
  • Environmental resiliency
  • Economic impact

Over 40 agencies and organizations identified as partners, including local recreational businesses.

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