Topics Related to Engineering and Construction

The North Carolina Trails Program has released the fiscal year 2025-26 grant cycle for the federal Recreational Trails Program.
The access at Bean Shoals in Pilot Mountain State Park will be improved by a construction project that includes three new bridges and a stream restoration.
The $13.7 million will fund capital improvements projects at 11 state parks.
The $17.4 million will fund nine capital improvements projects and six land acquisitions.
The campground at Gorges State Park will have five camper cabins, 14 campsites, and 16 tent campsites, along with a modern bathhouse.
Thanks to a generous donation from the late Tom Rabe, his wife Jean and the Rabe family, a new 1,000 square foot observation deck is now open on top of Morrow Mountain.
Dismal Swamp State Park will be closed for major bridge repairs.