Statewide Star Party: OBX

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Check out the night sky at our annual Statewide Star Party: OBX! Our annual event will take place at Dowdy Park in Nags Head.  Telescopes will be set up for public viewing. Out of this world educational arts and craft table activities for kids will be available from 5:30pm until dark. This event is brought to you by a collaborative effort between Jockey’s Ridge State Park, OBX Astronomy Club, Back Bay Amateur Astronomers, Dare County Library, and the NC Science Festival.  

The NC Science Festival’s annual Statewide Star Party is made possible through the generous support of the NC Space Grant.  The theme for the 2025 NC Sci Fest is "Science: Everyday, Everywhere, Everyone". We're excited to celebrate how science is woven into our daily lives and to expand access to incredible STEM events for audiences across the state.

Event location:  Dowdy Park    3005 S Croatan Hwy    Nags Head, NC 27959