Old West style "Wanted" poster with museum bug pests.

Museum’s Most Wanted: Identifying and Dealing with Museum Pests

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Many museum artifacts provide tasty treats for a variety of insects, animals, and fungi. A big part of museum conservation is preventing damage to our artifacts, which means knowing what’s eating your collection. Join museum conservator Michelle Crepeau for this lecture all about identifying common museum pests, their impact on collections, and methods of mitigation and prevention.

This program is part of the N.C. Maritime Museum’s Maritime Heritage Lecture Series. Informal lectures focused on North Carolina’s rich maritime history, coastal environment, and culture. The lectures are currently held in the Fort Macon Coastal Education Center and streamed via Zoom. It is free, and registration is not required for the in-person program. Visit ncmaritimemuseumbeaufort.com/virtual to sign up to receive the Zoom links. Programs are also posted to the museum’s YouTube channel. 


Photo courtesy or the N.C. Maritime Museum.