Topics Related to Haw River State Park

If you have ever wanted to know the name of a bird you've seen coasting through the skies, now is your chance to learn! Park staff will be available to teach bird identification basics for raptors and other birds, such as silhouettes, flight patterns, etc.

The 2025 NCSciFest theme is "Science: Everyday, Everywhere, Everyone" and we're excited to celebrate all the important ways science is woven into the fabric of our everyday lives!

Join us at the Iron Ore Belt Access of Haw River State Park to view the sun with special solar viewing equipment!
Join us at the Iron Ore Belt Access of Haw River State Park to view the sun with special solar viewing equipment!

Join local astronomers with the Greensboro Astronomy Club as we observe the night skies over the Iron Ore Belt Access.

Join local astronomers with the Greensboro Astronomy Club as we observe the night skies over the Iron Ore Belt Access.

N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission's Tackle Loaner Program allows new anglers to borrow rods, reels, and other fishing gear free of charge.

Eastern Bluebird nesting season officially drew to a close in mid-August with the fledging of our last three bluebird babies.