Location: Wake County, 11 miles northwest of downtown Raleigh
At the park, you can find: the marbled salamander and the Jack-in-the-pulpit
Location: Wake County, 11 miles northwest of downtown Raleigh
At the park, you can find: the marbled salamander and the Jack-in-the-pulpit
Location: Moore County, 37 miles west of Fayetteville
You can find: the oldest known living longleaf pine tree; red cockaded woodpecker; fox squirrel; Sandhills pyxie-moss
Location: Alleghany County, 62 miles northwest of Winston-Salem
You can find: Stone Mountain and rich natural communities as you traverse the summit
Location: Burke County, 70 miles east of Asheville
You can find: elevations up to 3,000 feet, mountain streams, and the rosebay rhododendron
Location: Harnett County, 40 miles southwest of Raleigh
At the park, you can find: Raven Rock; rapids on the Cape Fear River; Northington Lock and Dam remains; creek tributaries; mountain laurel
Location: Surry County, 24 miles northwest of Winston-Salem
At the park, you can find: Pilot Knob, the Yadkin River, and ravens soaring above Big Pinnacle
Location: Ashe County, 36 miles northeast of Boone
At the park, you can find: 26.5 miles of the New River; the hellbender salamander; 14 rare and threatened species of flora
Location: Gates County, 10 miles south of the northeast border with Virginia
You can find: millpond more than 200 years old and the American alligator at the northernmost point of its range
Location: Halifax County, 61 miles northeast of Raleigh
You can find: Lewis' heartleaf, mountain laurel, pyrite minerals, and the Neuse River waterdog
Location: Columbus County, 40 miles west of Wilmington
You can find: Waccamaw Dam, the headwaters for the 150-mile river; the American alligator; and the Venus flytrap