LWCF: Grants Awarded
This table is a full list of all LWCF local grants awarded in North Carolina. Use the headers to sort by county, sponsor, name of project, or grant amount. Use the search box to filter the list.
Project Number | Local Government | County | Project Name | Amount |
277 | Alamance County | Alamance | Cedarock Park | 131,250 |
482 | Alamance County | Alamance | Glencoe Park | 34,429 |
55 | Burlington | Alamance | Town And Country Park I | 19,552 |
262 | Burlington | Alamance | Town And Country Park II | 8,804 |
265 | Burlington | Alamance | City Park | 7,000 |
266 | Burlington | Alamance | North Park | 3,861 |
624 | Burlington | Alamance | Lake Cammack Park and Marina | 20,000 |
988 | Burlington | Alamance | Springwood Park | 520,346 |
614 | Elon | Alamance | Morgan Place Park | 11,873 |
192 | Graham | Alamance | Graham Municipal Park I | 23,018 |
219 | Graham | Alamance | Graham Municipal Park II | 94,410 |
878 | Graham | Alamance | South Graham Park | 76,875 |
646 | Haw River | Alamance | Haw River Community Park | 85,500 |
534 | Mebane | Alamance | Mebane Athletic Complex | 16,977 |
334 | Alexander County | Alexander | Jaycee Park I | 21,367 |
407 | Alexander County | Alexander | Jaycee Park II | 3,059 |
493 | Alexander County | Alexander | Bethlehem Community Park | 83,804 |
829 | Alexander County | Alexander | East Alexander Park | 51,255 |
997 | Alexander County | Alexander | Jaycee Park | 16,106 |
86 | Alleghany County | Alleghany | Alleghany County Recreation Area | 3,297 |
150 | Alleghany County | Alleghany | Sam Brown Park I | 92,818 |
236 | Alleghany County | Alleghany | Sam Brown Park II | 19,180 |
478 | Alleghany County | Alleghany | Sam Brown Park III | 19,776 |
747 | Sparta | Alleghany | Floyd Crouse Memorial Park I | 35,688 |
854 | Sparta | Alleghany | Floyd Crouse Memorial Park II | 5,638 |
330 | Anson County | Anson | Little Park I | 150,040 |
447 | Anson County | Anson | Little Park II | 41,416 |
210 | Ashe County | Ashe | Ashe County Park I | 88,880 |
604 | Ashe County | Ashe | Ashe County Park II | 99,492 |
622 | West Jefferson | Ashe | Bowie Seagrave Memorial Park | 38,571 |
830 | West Jefferson | Ashe | Bowie Seagrave Mem. Park II | 7,163 |
573 | Avery County | Avery | Avery County Recreation Complex | 66,707 |
874 | Banner Elk | Avery | Robbins Park | 51,250 |
793 | Beech Mountain | Avery | Buckeye Creek Recreation Area I | 51,000 |
893 | Beech Mountain | Avery | Buckeye Creek Recreation Area-II | 51,250 |
585 | Aurora | Beaufort | Aurora Marina Acquisition | 40,656 |
101 | Belhaven | Beaufort | Northside Community Park Land Acq. | 4,578 |
246 | Washington | Beaufort | Seventh Street Park | 26,066 |
553 | Washington | Beaufort | Havens Gardens Park | 37,182 |
537 | Aulander | Bertie | Aulander School Site Property | 9,784 |
569 | Windsor | Bertie | Windsor Recreation Park Tennis Court | 12,861 |
685 | Windsor | Bertie | Windsor Youth Park | 9,263 |
917 | Windsor | Bertie | Outdoor Camping/Recreation Area | 12,424 |
481 | Bladen County | Bladen | Bladen County Park | 45,430 |
916 | Bladen County | Bladen | Bladen County Park II | 21,189 |
380 | Bladenboro | Bladen | Bladenboro Tennis Courts | 6,197 |
710 | Bladenboro | Bladen | Wateree Park | 27,474 |
648 | Dublin | Bladen | Dublin Recreation Park | 31,154 |
623 | Elizabethtown | Bladen | Quail Circle Park | 7,699 |
718 | Elizabethtown | Bladen | Tory Hole Park | 91,798 |
683 | Brunswick County | Brunswick | Shallotte Township District Park | 53,211 |
753 | Brunswick County | Brunswick | Smithville Township District Park | 51,000 |
819 | Brunswick County | Brunswick | Lockwood Folly Township Park | 37,416 |
879 | Brunswick County | Brunswick | Northwest Township District Park | 72,737 |
749 | Long Beach | Brunswick | Middleton Park | 5,100 |
167 | Southport | Brunswick | Municipal Park | 35,597 |
623 | Southport | Brunswick | Lightship Municipal Park | 48,776 |
851 | Southport | Brunswick | Franklin Square Park | 9,809 |
143 | Asheville | Buncombe | Martin Luther King, Jr. Park | 20,257 |
396 | Asheville | Buncombe | Montford Recreation Complex | 94,940 |
622 | Asheville | Buncombe | Western North Carolina Nature Center Boardwalk | 20,694 |
939 | Asheville | Buncombe | French Broad River Park | 77,927 |
540 | Black Mountain | Buncombe | Youth Center Park | 24,366 |
775 | Black Mountain | Buncombe | Lake Tomahawk | 51,000 |
906 | Black Mountain | Buncombe | Lake Tomahawk III | 24,866 |
941 | Black Mountain | Buncombe | Douglas M. Brock Park | 49,877 |
104 | Buncombe County | Buncombe | Lake Julian Park | 5,020 |
181 | Buncombe County | Buncombe | Recreation & Park Swimming Pool | 51,836 |
208 | Buncombe County | Buncombe | Hominy Valley Rec Park | 85,391 |
352 | Buncombe County | Buncombe | Charles D. Owen District Park | 126,351 |
366 | Buncombe County | Buncombe | North Buncombe District Park I | 28,500 |
622 | Buncombe County | Buncombe | Erwin Pool | 173,888 |
855 | Buncombe County | Buncombe | North Buncombe District Park II | 51,250 |
887 | Weaverville | Buncombe | Lake Louise Community Park | 102,500 |
365 | Burke County | Burke | Parker Road Park | 19,418 |
787 | Burke County | Burke | George Hildebrand Community Park | 5,605 |
622 | Glen Alpine | Burke | Glen Alpine Park | 77,944 |
53 | Morganton | Burke | Shuey Park | 14,712 |
111 | Morganton | Burke | Shuey Park | 24,871 |
112 | Morganton | Burke | Collette Street Park I | 11,056 |
199 | Morganton | Burke | Collette Street Park II | 23,008 |
226 | Morganton | Burke | Morganton - Sports Lighting | 10,071 |
335 | Morganton | Burke | Carbon City Park | 27,564 |
579 | Morganton | Burke | Bethel Road Park I | 65,851 |
663 | Morganton | Burke | Bethel Road Park II | 50,419 |
790 | Morganton | Burke | Freedom Park-Morganton | 51,250 |
856 | Morganton | Burke | M.L.K. Jr. King Memorial Park | 44,526 |
933 | Morganton | Burke | Catawba River Greenway I | 46,760 |
977 | Morganton | Burke | Catawba River Greenway II | 67,542 |
228 | Valdese | Burke | Micol Park | 26,715 |
714 | Valdese | Burke | McGalliard Falls Park | 145,982 |
88 | Western Carolina Center | Burke | Park And Play Area | 11,634 |
698 | Cabarrus County | Cabarrus | Frank Liske Park | 374,085 |
940 | Cabarrus County | Cabarrus | Greenway Park | 50,000 |
1007 | Cabarrus County | Cabarrus | Pharr Mill Road Park | 250,000 |
123 | Concord | Cabarrus | Oakwood, | 73,182 |
295 | Concord | Cabarrus | Caldwell Park | 39,743 |
1061 | Concord | Cabarrus | Marvin Caldwell Park | 498,960 |
70 | Granite Falls | Caldwell | Granite Falls Community Park | 189,308 |
822 | Granite Falls | Caldwell | Granite Falls Neighborhood Park | 14,360 |
378 | Hudson | Caldwell | Hudson Redwood Park I | 134,968 |
821 | Hudson | Caldwell | Hudson Redwood Park II | 32,178 |
75 | Lenoir | Caldwell | Viewmont Park | 30,245 |
76 | Lenoir | Caldwell | Lenoir Municipal Park I | 92,601 |
77 | Lenoir | Caldwell | Mulberry And Broyhill Parks | 51,256 |
205 | Lenoir | Caldwell | Lenoir Municipal Park II | 46,898 |
327 | Lenoir | Caldwell | (3 parks) Broyhill, Mulberry, Viewmont | 100,181 |
722 | Lenoir | Caldwell | West End Neighborhood Park | 147,044 |
406 | Rhodhiss | Caldwell | Rhodhiss Park | 35,320 |
1013 | Camden County | Camden | Camden Community Park | 95,633 |
374 | Carteret County | Carteret | (3 parks) Eastern, Freedom, Swinson | 50,930 |
519 | Carteret County | Carteret | (Phase II for 3 parks) Eastern, Freedom, Swinson | 50,566 |
682 | Carteret County | Carteret | Sea Level/Snug Harbor Park I | 69,500 |
746 | Carteret County | Carteret | Carteret County Parks Phase III | 11,516 |
932 | Carteret County | Carteret | Western Park | 46,760 |
637 | Morehead City | Carteret | Shevans Park Tennis Court Development | 22,475 |
991 | Morehead City | Carteret | Blair Point Park | 520,346 |
1010 | Morehead City | Carteret | O'Neal Park | 250,000 |
638 | Newport | Carteret | Newport Community Park | 27,132 |
961 | Caswell County | Caswell | Caswell County Park | 97,933 |
1014 | Yanceyville | Caswell | Maud Gatewood Park | 125,200 |
614 | Brookford | Catawba | Community Park | 40,257 |
596 | Catawba County | Catawba | St. Stephens Community Park | 74,176 |
622 | Catawba County | Catawba | Mountain View Recreation Center | 61,945 |
853 | Claremont | Catawba | Claremont Community Park | 51,250 |
532 | Conover | Catawba | Southwest Neighborhood Park | 7,122 |
825 | Conover | Catawba | Conover Downtown Park | 29,368 |
59 | Hickory | Catawba | Southside Rec Park | 3,461 |
60 | Hickory | Catawba | Kiwanis City Park | 8,103 |
172 | Hickory | Catawba | Optimist Park | 30,996 |
173 | Hickory | Catawba | Jaycee City Park I | 11,961 |
292 | Hickory | Catawba | Jaycee City Park II | 33,973 |
293 | Hickory | Catawba | Breakfast Optimist Park | 20,000 |
436 | Hickory | Catawba | CIVitan Park | 48,893 |
780 | Hickory | Catawba | Glen Hilton - Civic Park | 51,000 |
926 | Hickory | Catawba | Glenn Hilton - Civic Park | 20,782 |
145 | Long View | Catawba | South Recreation Park I | 40,000 |
375 | Maiden | Catawba | South Neighborhood Park | 13,500 |
527 | Maiden | Catawba | Union Street Park | 15,835 |
760 | Maiden | Catawba | Maiden Recreation Park | 51,000 |
276 | Newton | Catawba | Westside Jaycee Park | 47,638 |
867 | Newton | Catawba | East Newton Park | 13,878 |
574 | Chatham County | Chatham | Bynum Community Park | 37,086 |
779 | Pittsboro | Chatham | Pittsboro Lake Park | 13,260 |
1029 | Pittsboro | Chatham | Pittsboro Recreation Complex | 100,000 |
340 | Andrews | Cherokee | Andrews Rec. Park | 180,610 |
319 | Cherokee County | Cherokee | Murphy Park | 7,820 |
774 | Murphy | Cherokee | Konehete Park - Phase II | 16,474 |
614 | Murphy/ Cherokee County | Cherokee | Konehete Park | 115,426 |
536 | Edenton | Chowan | Queen Anne's Park | 110,694 |
630 | Edenton | Chowan | Water Street Park | 49,315 |
705 | Belwood | Cleveland | Belwood Recreation Center I | 15,500 |
834 | Belwood | Cleveland | Belwood Recreation Center II | 18,452 |
664 | Casar | Cleveland | Casar Park | 16,009 |
497 | Kings Mountain | Cleveland | Moss Lake Park I & 2 | 39,259 |
622 | Kings Mountain | Cleveland | Moss Lake Park | 158,891 |
241 | Shelby | Cleveland | Plaster Park | 31,679 |
289 | Shelby | Cleveland | Jefferson Park | 26,757 |
636 | Shelby | Cleveland | Shelby City Park/ Holly Oak Park | 26,155 |
495 | Bolton | Columbus | Bolton Community Recreation Park | 20,578 |
489 | Whiteville | Columbus | Whiteville Land Acquisition | 30,867 |
607 | Whiteville | Columbus | Whiteville Recreation Park | 171,365 |
757 | Whiteville | Columbus | West Whiteville Park | 24,715 |
795 | Havelock | Craven | Walter B. Jones Park | 25,714 |
909 | Havelock | Craven | Havelock Recreation Complex | 40,047 |
679 | New Bern | Craven | (3 Sites) West New Bern Park, D.E. Henderson Park And George Street Park Improvements | 50,000 |
762 | New Bern | Craven | Kafer Park | 49,978 |
848 | New Bern | Craven | Union Point Park Addition | 49,135 |
922 | New Bern | Craven | Lawson Creek Nature Trail | 48,646 |
837 | River Bend | Craven | River Bend Town Park | 51,255 |
678 | Cumberland County | Cumberland | Cumberland County Park | 201,005 |
218 | Fayetteville | Cumberland | Seabrook Pool | 39,751 |
297 | Fayetteville | Cumberland | Tokay Tennis Courts | 22,500 |
357 | Fayetteville | Cumberland | Mazarick Memorial Park | 75,000 |
401 | Fayetteville | Cumberland | Mazarick Memorial Park | 75,184 |
434 | Fayetteville | Cumberland | College Lakes Park | 28,996 |
781 | Fayetteville | Cumberland | Maiden Lane Park | 51,251 |
620 | Hope Mills | Cumberland | Hope Mills Acquisition | 47,068 |
692 | Hope Mills | Cumberland | Hope Mills Park | 100,041 |
730 | Spring Lake | Cumberland | Spring Lake Park | 75,067 |
777 | Stedman | Cumberland | Playground & Neighborhood Park | 17,595 |
413 | Wade | Cumberland | Wade Park | 12,241 |
894 | Currituck County | Currituck | Currituck County Tennis Complex | 35,465 |
709 | Kill Devil Hills | Dare | Municipal Park | 40,688 |
839 | Kill Devil Hills | Dare | Kill Devil Hills Recreation Park | 9,193 |
713 | Manteo | Dare | Waterfront Park | 93,214 |
796 | Manteo | Dare | Cartwright Memorial Park | 25,638 |
925 | Manteo | Dare | Washington Creef Memorial Park | 27,921 |
728 | Nags Head | Dare | Bonnet Street Beach Access | 165,000 |
767 | Nags Head | Dare | (4 sites) Bonnett Street, Bittern Street, Enterprise Street, and Gulfstream Street Beach Access Sites | 24,322 |
807 | Nags Head | Dare | (3 sites) Bainbridge Street, Hargrove Street, Conch Street Beach Access | 25,243 |
858 | Nags Head | Dare | Blackman Street, Glidden Street, And Gull Street Ocean Beach Access Improvements | 20,597 |
885 | Nags Head | Dare | Bonnet Street, Juncos Street, Bladen Street, And Abalone Street Beach Access Improvements | 33,313 |
595 | Davidson County | Davidson | East Davidson Park | 44,455 |
622 | Davidson County | Davidson | Southmont Park | 48,622 |
542 | Denton | Davidson | Denton Community Park | 51,445 |
30 | Lexington | Davidson | Finch Community Park | 77,980 |
373 | Thomasville | Davidson | Main Street Park | 146,144 |
724 | Thomasville | Davidson | Meyers Memorial Park | 77,144 |
665 | Davie County | Davie | Davie County Youth Park | 120,817 |
119 | Mocksville | Davie | Rich Park I | 14,945 |
264 | Mocksville | Davie | Rich Park II | 22,500 |
729 | Mocksville | Davie | Rich Park III | 20,461 |
986 | Beulaville | Duplin | Beulaville Town Park | 37,500 |
607 | Duplin County | Duplin | Albertson Recreation Center | 15,148 |
285 | Kenansville | Duplin | Kenansville Town Park | 3,258 |
499 | Kenansville | Duplin | Kenansville Municipal Park | 33,953 |
717 | Kenansville | Duplin | Kenansville Municipal Park | 15,258 |
607 | Magnolia | Duplin | Magnolia Playground | 15,000 |
607 | Rose Hill | Duplin | Jimmy Merome Memorial Field | 13,316 |
514 | Wallace | Duplin | Clement Street Park | 94,239 |
587 | Warsaw | Duplin | Warsaw Municipal Park | 50,000 |
29 | Durham | Durham | Lake Michie | 29,247 |
108 | Durham | Durham | Campus Hills Park | 26,250 |
109 | Durham | Durham | Eno River Park Area Acq. | 189,630 |
117 | Durham | Durham | Durham Vest-Pocket Parks: Maplewood, Drew and Granby, Walltown, Grant Street, Bay and Glendale | 3,042 |
118 | Durham | Durham | (23 parks) Glendale Heights, North Gate, Duke, Sherwood Forest, East End, Longmeadow, North Durham, East Durham, CR Wood, Burton, Hillside, Oakwood, Rockwood, Forest Hills, Wrightwood, Lyon, Oakwood Ave, Twin Lakes, Crest Street, Fides Rueston, West Durham, Oval Drive, Westover, Walltown | 17,159 |
178 | Durham | Durham | North Bank of Eno River Park Area | 129,855 |
217 | Durham | Durham | Northern Durham Park Project | 41,000 |
321 | Durham | Durham | Eno River Project III | 131,470 |
355 | Durham | Durham | Durham Tennis Courts: Elmira Park, Whippoorwill Park | 99,500 |
356 | Durham | Durham | Area Parks - Twin Lakes, Sherwood, Red Maple, Garrett Road, Eno River - North Bank | 139,475 |
766 | Durham | Durham | Cornwallis Road Park | 49,042 |
656 | Princeville | Edgecombe | Mutual Park | 29,648 |
125 | Rocky Mount | Edgecombe | Rockwood, | 64,950 |
126 | Rocky Mount | Edgecombe | Forest Hills, | 8,750 |
128 | Rocky Mount | Edgecombe | Farmington Park | 19,800 |
129 | Rocky Mount | Edgecombe | Happy Hill Park | 5,640 |
130 | Rocky Mount | Edgecombe | Holly Street Park | 9,850 |
132 | Rocky Mount | Edgecombe | Stith Park | 2,500 |
200 | Rocky Mount | Edgecombe | Englewood Park | 7,028 |
684 | Rocky Mount | Edgecombe | Sunrise At Sunset Park | 18,273 |
993 | Rocky Mount | Edgecombe | Stith Talbert Park Renovation | 130,069 |
1022 | Rocky Mount | Edgecombe | Sports Complex | 150,000 |
1050 | Rocky Mount | Edgecombe | Renovation Of Holly Street Park | 250,000 |
87 | Tarboro | Edgecombe | Braswell Park | 33,800 |
157 | Tarboro | Edgecombe | Clark Memorial Park | 51,627 |
194 | Tarboro | Edgecombe | Braswell Park | 28,797 |
296 | Tarboro | Edgecombe | Braswell Park | 24,775 |
298 | Tarboro | Edgecombe | Clark Memorial Park Development | 43,166 |
566 | Tarboro | Edgecombe | Tarboro Courthouse Square | 190,000 |
641 | Tarboro | Edgecombe | Tarboro Swimming Pool Complex | 220,344 |
429 | Forsyth County | Forsyth | Joanie Moser Memorial Park | 11,193 |
435 | Forsyth County | Forsyth | Union Cross Park | 57,962 |
721 | Forsyth County | Forsyth | Nature Science Center | 24,312 |
826 | Forsyth County | Forsyth | Walkertown | 51,225 |
387 | Kernersville | Forsyth | Fourth of July Park I | 71,321 |
611 | Kernersville | Forsyth | Fourth of July Park II | 13,445 |
668 | Kernersville | Forsyth | Civitan Park | 93,840 |
898 | Kernersville | Forsyth | Kernersville Lake Development | 62,504 |
1002 | Kernersville | Forsyth | Fourth Of July Park | 452,777 |
1069 | Kernersville | Forsyth | Civitan Fitness Park | 500,000 |
672 | Rural Hall | Forsyth | Covington Memorial Park I | 102,184 |
831 | Rural Hall | Forsyth | Covington Memorial Park II | 7,688 |
934 | Rural Hall | Forsyth | Covington Memorial Park III | 41,564 |
968 | Tobaccoville | Forsyth | The Village Park | 68,707 |
23 | Winston-Salem | Forsyth | Sprague Street Park | 105,130 |
24 | Winston-Salem | Forsyth | Kimberley Park | 96,475 |
25 | Winston-Salem | Forsyth | Reynolds Park | 61,178 |
48 | Winston-Salem | Forsyth | Mineral Springs Park | 121,499 |
197 | Winston-Salem | Forsyth | Park Improvements - Model City | 86,223 |
252 | Winston-Salem | Forsyth | Blum Park - Swimming Pool | 150,242 |
469 | Winston-Salem | Forsyth | Tennis Facilities | 45,788 |
633 | Winston-Salem | Forsyth | Winston Square Park | 550,517 |
871 | Winston-Salem | Forsyth | Therapeutic Sites-Bolton Win-Lake | 19,029 |
947 | Winston-Salem | Forsyth | Leinbach Park | 62,346 |
980 | Winston-Salem | Forsyth | Bolton Park II | 41,564 |
1028 | Franklin County | Franklin | Pilot Lions Community Park | 65,980 |
1045 | Franklin County | Franklin | V.E. And Lydia H. Owens Recreational Park | 250,000 |
1024 | Youngsville | Franklin | Bill & Angie Luddy Recreation Park | 84,366 |
313 | Belmont | Gaston | Davis Park | 36,060 |
96 | Bessemer City | Gaston | Bessemer City Recreation Proposal | 63,742 |
622 | Bessemer City | Gaston | Washington Park | 33,000 |
164 | Cherryville | Gaston | South Recreation Park | 8,482 |
286 | Cherryville | Gaston | Ben Black Park | 6,124 |
571 | Cherryville | Gaston | Westgate Park | 35,085 |
599 | Cramerton | Gaston | Cramerton Town Park | 87,376 |
863 | Dallas | Gaston | Gingles Park | 9,977 |
424 | Gaston County | Gaston | Gaston County Park I | 101,161 |
517 | Gaston County | Gaston | Gaston County Park II | 175,371 |
763 | Gaston County | Gaston | North Belmont District Park I | 51,000 |
864 | Gaston County | Gaston | North Belmont District Park II | 51,250 |
899 | Gaston County | Gaston | Crowders Mountain County Park | 51,955 |
1071 | Gaston County | Gaston | Dallas Park Improvements | 160,276 |
472 | Gastonia | Gaston | Northeast Community Park | 101,860 |
671 | Gastonia | Gaston | Northwest Community Park | 78,082 |
572 | High Shoals | Gaston | High Shoals Park I | 12,707 |
667 | High Shoals | Gaston | High Shoals Park II | 7,903 |
582 | Lowell | Gaston | Lowell Ball Park | 66,879 |
626 | Mount Holly | Gaston | Mount Holly Multi-Site Development (Veterans Park/ Woodlawn Park/River St. Park) | 24,419 |
430 | Ranlo | Gaston | Ranlo City Park | 6,836 |
673 | Ranlo | Gaston | Ranlo Neighborhood Park | 15,000 |
820 | Ranlo | Gaston | Ranlo Community Park | 29,405 |
632 | Graham County | Graham | Graham County Park | 27,227 |
677 | Creedmoor | Granville | Battle C. Roberts Field | 5,000 |
803 | Creedmoor | Granville | Lake Rogers Recreation Area | 11,266 |
989 | Granville County | Granville | Jonesland Environmental Park | 260,172 |
1047 | Granville County | Granville | Granville Athletic Park Phase 3 | 250,000 |
629 | Oxford | Granville | C. L. Rucker Park | 90,163 |
969 | Oxford | Granville | Lake Devin | 18,181 |
1015 | Green County | Greene | Greene County Recreation Complex | 91,426 |
221 | Hookerton | Greene | Hookerton Recreation Park | 48,786 |
1064 | Hookerton | Greene | Hookerton Recreation and Greenway | 187,640 |
56 | Greensboro | Guilford | Woodlea Acres Park | 16,231 |
57 | Greensboro | Guilford | Hampton Park I | 14,710 |
99 | Greensboro | Guilford | Hagan Stone Park | 42,208 |
156 | Greensboro | Guilford | Restrooms Storage Rooms Concessions | 30,366 |
159 | Greensboro | Guilford | Tuscaloosa Street Tot Lot | 2,720 |
160 | Greensboro | Guilford | Apache Street Tot Lot | 2,893 |
161 | Greensboro | Guilford | McCulloch Street Tot Lot | 3,478 |
163 | Greensboro | Guilford | Bingham Community Playground | 15,616 |
182 | Greensboro | Guilford | Dewey Street Tennis Courts I | 17,734 |
214 | Greensboro | Guilford | Hampton Park II | 8,024 |
223 | Greensboro | Guilford | Bryan Park | 578,756 |
267 | Greensboro | Guilford | Jaycee Park | 159,000 |
299 | Greensboro | Guilford | Robert F. Mayer Park | 4,538 |
311 | Greensboro | Guilford | Dewey Street Tennis Courts II | 2,801 |
1054 | Greensboro | Guilford | Keely Park Phase 2 | 250,000 |
689 | Guilford County | Guilford | Lake Brandt Open Space & Hiking Trail | 55,007 |
942 | Guilford County | Guilford | Gibson Park | 36,706 |
995 | Guilford County | Guilford | Bur-Mil Park | 519,550 |
41 | High Point | Guilford | Oakview Park | 23,253 |
42 | High Point | Guilford | Eastwood Park | 16,346 |
43 | High Point | Guilford | (Seven parks) Armstrong, Council Street, Five Points, Hedgecock, McCain, Mohawk, Parkside. | 68,964 |
44 | High Point | Guilford | City Lake | 56,343 |
174 | High Point | Guilford | Oak Hollow Park | 792,301 |
616 | High Point | Guilford | Southside Park Development | 72,330 |
703 | High Point | Guilford | West End Park | 115,588 |
901 | High Point | Guilford | High Point Greenway Pilot Project | 17,665 |
220 | Jamestown | Guilford | Jamestown Recreation Park | 589,036 |
95 | Roanoke Rapids | Halifax | Municipal Field Park Dev. | 34,131 |
287 | Roanoke Rapids | Halifax | Tennis Court Project: (3 parks): Long, Rochelle, Chaloner Rec. Center | 18,600 |
643 | Roanoke Rapids | Halifax | Emry Park | 143,250 |
862 | Roanoke Rapids | Halifax | Emry And Long Park Improvements | 14,564 |
935 | Roanoke Rapids | Halifax | Chockoyotte Park | 40,005 |
607 | Scotland Neck | Halifax | Jimmy Jerome Memorial Fields | 22,243 |
601 | Coats | Harnett | Coats Recreation Park | 76,256 |
278 | Dunn | Harnett | Dunn Recreation Park | 21,615 |
559 | Dunn | Harnett | C.D. Codrington Park | 60,803 |
275 | Erwin | Harnett | Erwin Recreation Park | 80,053 |
281 | Erwin | Harnett | Rotary Park | 23,700 |
639 | Erwin | Harnett | Erwin Municipal Park | 50,000 |
449 | Harnett County | Harnett | Harnett Central County Park | 92,189 |
450 | Harnett County | Harnett | Barbecue Creek Park | 91,267 |
339 | Lillington | Harnett | Lillington Rec. Park | 12,500 |
474 | Lillington | Harnett | Lillington Recreation Park | 68,188 |
136 | Canton | Haywood | Canton Memorial Park I | 53,781 |
690 | Canton | Haywood | Canton Memorial Park II | 16,769 |
590 | Maggie Valley | Haywood | Maggie Valley Playground | 8,231 |
230 | Waynesville | Haywood | Vance Street Park | 198,825 |
701 | Waynesville | Haywood | Vance Street Park | 146,516 |
919 | Waynesville | Haywood | Hazelwood Recreation Park | 22,320 |
347 | Henderson County | Henderson | Jackson Park | 108,485 |
661 | Henderson County | Henderson | Edneyville Community Park | 44,530 |
957 | Henderson County | Henderson | Westfeldt Park | 25,978 |
206 | Hendersonville | Henderson | Patton Park I | 103,853 |
666 | Hendersonville | Henderson | William H. King Memorial Park I | 100,000 |
699 | Hendersonville | Henderson | Patton Park II | 35,602 |
751 | Hendersonville | Henderson | Patton Park III | 29,054 |
915 | Hendersonville | Henderson | William H. King Memorial Park II | 24,938 |
188 | Ahoskie | Hertford | Ahoskie Memorial Park | 19,645 |
225 | Murfreesboro | Hertford | River Park | 27,401 |
798 | Hoke County | Hoke | Burlington Park - Hoke County | 20,510 |
91 | Mooresville | Iredell | Edgemoor Neighborhood Park | 18,833 |
307 | Mooresville | Iredell | Liberty Area | 34,881 |
308 | Mooresville | Iredell | Willow Valley Park | 24,622 |
379 | Mooresville | Iredell | Mooresville Municipal Golf Course | 351,186 |
711 | Mooresville | Iredell | Moor Ballfield | 55,000 |
139 | Statesville | Iredell | Albert B. McClure Park I | 86,897 |
251 | Statesville | Iredell | Harris Park | 74,601 |
320 | Statesville | Iredell | Albert B. McClure Park II | 48,390 |
382 | Statesville | Iredell | Lakewood Park | 100,000 |
613 | Statesville | Iredell | MacAnderson Park | 75,343 |
272 | Jackson County | Jackson | Cashiers Community Park | 15,000 |
318 | Jackson County | Jackson | Ralph J. Andrews Recreation Park | 201,174 |
614 | Jackson County | Jackson | Mark Watson Park | 77,669 |
813 | Jackson County | Jackson | Fairview Youth Complex Lighting | 29,435 |
953 | Jackson County | Jackson | East Laporte River Park | 32,732 |
107 | Sylva | Jackson | Sylva Recreation Park | 97,929 |
772 | Clayton | Johnston | Clayton Community Park | 9,278 |
291 | Johnston County | Johnston | Clayton State Forest | 95,072 |
1063 | Johnston County | Johnston | Greater Cleveland Park and Open Space | 500,000 |
588 | Pine Level | Johnston | Pine Level Recreational Park | 49,256 |
1017 | Princeton | Johnston | Ray M. Floors Community Park | 64,913 |
479 | Selma | Johnston | Brack Wilson Park | 31,803 |
623 | Selma | Johnston | Brack Wilson Park | 35,000 |
974 | Smithfield | Johnston | Smithfield Community Park | 77,933 |
983 | Smithfield | Johnston | Smithfield Community Park - Phase III | 250,000 |
929 | Maysville | Jones | Maysville Recreation Park | 13,508 |
71 | Lee County | Lee | Dalrymple Park | 7,349 |
72 | Lee County | Lee | Horton Park | 2,884 |
73 | Lee County | Lee | Park Avenue Park | 10,076 |
315 | Lee County | Lee | OT Sloan Park I | 317,500 |
332 | Lee County | Lee | Buchanan Rec. Park | 13,554 |
351 | Lee County | Lee | OT Sloan Park II | 39,682 |
655 | Lee County | Lee | Horton Park Renovation | 45,638 |
695 | Lee County | Lee | San-Lee Recreation Park | 27,973 |
759 | Lee County | Lee | Kiwanis Family Park | 27,367 |
944 | Lee County | Lee | Kiwanis Park Greenway | 37,420 |
103 | Kinston | Lenoir | Northwest Park | 44,720 |
224 | Kinston | Lenoir | Kinston Sports Lighting | 27,988 |
239 | Kinston | Lenoir | Athletic Facilities & Lighting | 11,140 |
459 | Kinston | Lenoir | Four-Site Development | 85,562 |
964 | Kinston | Lenoir | Barnet Park | 68,127 |
835 | Kinston/Lenoir County | Lenoir | Neuseway Park - Phase I | 51,255 |
607 | Pink Hill | Lenoir | Tennis Courts | 10,393 |
936 | Lincoln County | Lincoln | East Lincoln County Park | 35,693 |
900 | Lincolnton | Lincoln | South Fork Park Development | 24,641 |
999 | Lincolnton | Lincoln | Highland Drive Park | 179,688 |
149 | Highlands | Macon | Highlands Recreation Park I | 32,500 |
215 | Highlands | Macon | Highlands Recreation Park II | 73,684 |
549 | Highlands | Macon | Highlands Recreation Park III | 99,399 |
165 | Macon County | Macon | Macon County Recreation Park I | 150,608 |
418 | Macon County | Macon | Macon County Recreation Park II | 59,266 |
669 | Macon County | Macon | Macon County Recreation Park III | 30,131 |
631 | Madison County | Madison | Ivy/Laurel Park | 16,626 |
395 | Mars Hill | Madison | Mars Hill Recreation Park | 59,451 |
670 | Mars Hill | Madison | Mars Hill Park II | 19,463 |
948 | Mars Hill | Madison | Mars Hill Recreation Park III | 65,463 |
1056 | Mars Hill | Madison | Bailey Mountain Park- Smith Acquisition | 250,000 |
647 | Marshall | Madison | Marshall Recreation Park | 21,750 |
505 | Hamilton | Martin | Hamilton Recreation Park | 17,965 |
453 | Martin County | Martin | J. W. Willis Park | 7,993 |
607 | Oak City | Martin | Community Park | 13,639 |
797 | Robersonville | Martin | Robersonville Recreation Park | 12,819 |
513 | Williamston | Martin | Gaylord Perry Park | 51,168 |
640 | Williamston | Martin | Williamston Youth Park | 50,000 |
1008 | Williamston | Martin | Community Park Ballfield Complex | 250,000 |
1060 | Williamston | Martin | Gaylord Perry Park | 274,428 |
634 | Marion | McDowell | McDowell Swimming Pool | 106,359 |
1026 | Marion | McDowell | Mount Ida Wilderness Area | 82,500 |
544 | McDowell County | McDowell | Catawba River Park | 68,696 |
750 | McDowell County | McDowell | Catawba River Park | 10,200 |
892 | McDowell County | McDowell | Glenwood Park | 19,475 |
946 | McDowell County | McDowell | Catawba River Park and Campground | 27,521 |
897 | Old Fort | McDowell | Catawba River Park III | 87,834 |
110 | Charlotte | Mecklenburg | Huntingtowne Farm Park | 46,918 |
175 | Charlotte | Mecklenburg | Park Road Park | 318,962 |
256 | Charlotte | Mecklenburg | Mason Wallace Park | 75,000 |
260 | Charlotte | Mecklenburg | Charlotte Park Acquisitions | 218,746 |
288 | Charlotte | Mecklenburg | Huntingtowne Farm Park/Carmel Edgehill | 12,525 |
290 | Charlotte | Mecklenburg | Freedom Park | 103,900 |
405 | Charlotte | Mecklenburg | Hornets Nest Park | 100,000 |
719 | Charlotte | Mecklenburg | Reedy Creek Park | 589,849 |
736 | Charlotte | Mecklenburg | Ramblewood District Park | 127,150 |
758 | Charlotte | Mecklenburg | Diehl Center Playground | 18,158 |
360 | Davidson | Mecklenburg | Lakeside Terrace | 25,105 |
468 | Huntersville | Mecklenburg | John M. Holbrook Memorial Park | 61,116 |
963 | Matthews | Mecklenburg | Fullwood Park | 26,237 |
324 | Mecklenburg County | Mecklenburg | McDowell Park | 620,000 |
371 | Mecklenburg County | Mecklenburg | Latta Plantation Nature Park I | 463,977 |
589 | Mecklenburg County | Mecklenburg | Latta Plantation Nature Park II | 72,975 |
764 | Mecklenburg County | Mecklenburg | North Mecklenburg Park | 51,239 |
857 | Mecklenburg County | Mecklenburg | McMullen Creek Greenway | 51,955 |
949 | Mecklenburg County | Mecklenburg | Chantilly Neighborhood Park | 77,930 |
1021 | Mecklenburg County | Mecklenburg | Four Mile Creek Greenway | 150,000 |
415 | Mint Hill | Mecklenburg | Mint Hill Park I | 14,941 |
522 | Mint Hill | Mecklenburg | Mint Hill Park II | 25,723 |
979 | Mint Hill | Mecklenburg | Mint Hill Community Park | 77,933 |
1055 | Mint Hill | Mecklenburg | Mint Hill Athletic Park | 167,439 |
216 | Pineville | Mecklenburg | Jack D. Hughes Memorial Park | 88,500 |
529 | Pineville | Mecklenburg | Pineville Lake Park | 50,773 |
1066 | Pineville | Mecklenburg | Lake Drive Property | 175,000 |
457 | Spruce Pine | Mitchell | Brad Regan Memorial Park I | 192,279 |
727 | Spruce Pine | Mitchell | Brad Regan Memorial Park II | 140,410 |
972 | Spruce Pine | Mitchell | Riverside Park | 32,665 |
609 | Biscoe | Montgomery | Town Park | 223,801 |
533 | Candor | Montgomery | Fitzgerald Park | 30,867 |
409 | Mount Gilead | Montgomery | Stanback Park | 115,137 |
801 | Troy | Montgomery | Troy Town Park | 47,188 |
910 | Troy | Montgomery | Troy Town Park II | 36,369 |
283 | Aberdeen | Moore | Aberdeen Lake Park | 100,025 |
546 | Aberdeen | Moore | Aberdeen Lake Park | 61,960 |
1016 | Foxfire | Moore | Village Green Park | 95,632 |
880 | Moore County | Moore | Davis Community Park | 45,982 |
354 | Southern Pines | Moore | Neighborhood Parks | 30,000 |
486 | Southern Pines | Moore | Southern Pines Memorial Park | 94,340 |
804 | Southern Pines | Moore | Southern Pines Reservoir Park | 51,255 |
913 | Southern Pines | Moore | Reservoir Park | 23,040 |
950 | Southern Pines | Moore | Reservoir Park II | 26,689 |
541 | Vass | Moore | Vass Community Park | 25,723 |
623 | Nashville | Nash | J.S. Glover Memorial Park | 74,623 |
967 | Nashville | Nash | Glover Park | 18,184 |
1018 | Red Oak | Nash | Red Oak Dortches Park | 250,000 |
127 | Rocky Mount | Nash | Wright | 25,575 |
131 | Rocky Mount | Nash | Southside Park | 4,015 |
133 | Rocky Mount | Nash | Sunset Park | 10,945 |
323 | Rocky Mount | Nash | Sunset Park Improvements | 12,665 |
516 | Rocky Mount | Nash | South Rocky Mount Community Park | 102,032 |
810 | Rocky Mount | Nash | Hornbeam Park | 51,255 |
1062 | Rocky Mount | Nash | Battle Park Renovations | 500,000 |
607 | Spring Hope | Nash | Spring Hope Community Park | 20,102 |
338 | Carolina Beach | New Hanover | Bill McDonald Park | 4,268 |
814 | Carolina Beach | New Hanover | Carolina Beach Lake Project | 15,351 |
903 | Carolina Beach | New Hanover | Carolina Beach Lake II | 10,267 |
1067 | Carolina Beach | New Hanover | Lake Park Playground | 175,000 |
404 | New Hanover | New Hanover | Blair Noble Park | 35,450 |
607 | New Hanover | New Hanover | Trask Park | 64,779 |
693 | New Hanover | New Hanover | Arrowhead Park | 74,850 |
744 | New Hanover | New Hanover | Hugh MacRae Park Improvements | 28,482 |
745 | New Hanover | New Hanover | Arrowhead Park | 15,300 |
823 | New Hanover | New Hanover | Parkwood Recreation Area | 15,377 |
861 | New Hanover | New Hanover | Hugh MacRae Park Improvements | 29,725 |
882 | New Hanover | New Hanover | Kings Grant Park | 28,188 |
959 | New Hanover | New Hanover | Castle Hayne Park | 61,492 |
992 | New Hanover County | New Hanover | Veterans Park Development | 520,346 |
54 | Wilmington | New Hanover | Virginia Pearson Empie Park | 215,474 |
303 | Wilmington | New Hanover | Greenfield Lake | 104,568 |
458 | Wilmington | New Hanover | Legion Park | 143,169 |
500 | Wilmington | New Hanover | Exchange Club Bicentennial Park | 15,428 |
628 | Wilmington | New Hanover | Greenfield Park | 264,753 |
654 | Wilmington | New Hanover | Riverfront Park I | 414,937 |
850 | Wilmington | New Hanover | Dram Tree Park | 51,250 |
876 | Wilmington | New Hanover | Riverfront Park II | 102,500 |
971 | Wilmington | New Hanover | Anne Bowden McCrary Park | 20,782 |
416 | Gaston | Northampton | Dwight Hall Recreation Park | 50,930 |
563 | Gaston | Northampton | Dwight Hall Recreation Park | 3,077 |
975 | Woodland | Northampton | Woodland-Olney Community Park | 12,989 |
965 | Holly Ridge | Onslow | Holly Ridge Municipal Park | 12,469 |
608 | Jacksonville | Onslow | Multi-Site Park Improvements: Brook Valley Park, Bell Fork Park, Kerr Park, Phillips Park, Sherwood Forest Park | 87,957 |
783 | Jacksonville | Onslow | Northeast Creek Park | 51,150 |
984 | Jacksonville | Onslow | Sturgeon City Park | 231,676 |
302 | Onslow | Onslow | County Recreation Park No. 1 | 100,000 |
477 | Onslow | Onslow | Onslow County Park | 16,849 |
792 | Onslow | Onslow | West Onslow Beach Access | 102,510 |
945 | Onslow | Onslow | Stump Sound District Park | 50,000 |
966 | Onslow | Onslow | Stump Sound District Park | 36,495 |
996 | Onslow County | Onslow | Oakhurst Nature Park | 483,182 |
870 | Onslow County/ Jacksonville | Onslow | New River Waterfront Park | 51,245 |
454 | Swansboro | Onslow | Swansboro Municipal Park | 54,420 |
359 | Carrboro | Orange | Wilson Street Park I | 45,312 |
520 | Carrboro | Orange | Wilson Street Park II | 22,377 |
675 | Carrboro | Orange | Henry Baldwin Park | 19,906 |
726 | Carrboro | Orange | Carrboro Community Park | 266,986 |
121 | Chapel Hill | Orange | Burton, Hillside, | 31,750 |
501 | Chapel Hill | Orange | Cedar Falls Park II | 137,847 |
816 | Mebane | Orange | Lake Michael | 38,441 |
765 | Orange | Orange | Cedar Grove Park | 30,070 |
982 | Orange And Durham Counties | Orange | Little River Regional Park | 262,000 |
623 | Bayboro | Pamlico | Bayboro Community Park | 12,715 |
951 | Pamlico | Pamlico | Pamlico Recreation Area II | 18,184 |
806 | Pamlico County | Pamlico | Pamlico Co. Recreation Area | 73,150 |
168 | Elizabeth City | Pasquotank | Charles Creek Park | 30,824 |
301 | Elizabeth City | Pasquotank | Elizabeth City Waterfront Park | 26,974 |
423 | Elizabeth City | Pasquotank | Municipal Ballpark | 14,668 |
607 | Elizabeth City | Pasquotank | Pool Street Park | 50,000 |
761 | Elizabeth City | Pasquotank | Multi-Purpose Field Lighting | 20,400 |
607 | Pasquotank County | Pasquotank | Tennis Center | 31,231 |
691 | Burgaw | Pender | Ross Harrell Memorial Park | 27,151 |
1065 | Surf City | Pender | Mainland Park Project (Earl G & Inez Batts Recreation Complex | 500,000 |
923 | Perquimans County | Perquimans | Perquimans County Athletic Fields | 39,779 |
920 | Person County | Person | Huck Sansbury Recreation Complex | 93,519 |
1044 | Person County | Person | Sport Plex Acquisition | 250,000 |
74 | Person-Caswell Lake Authority | Person | Hyco Lake I | 22,226 |
98 | Person-Caswell Lake Authority | Person | Hyco Lake II | 8,279 |
222 | Person-Caswell Lake Authority | Person | Hyco Lake III | 15,568 |
567 | Ayden | Pitt | Third Street Park | 29,666 |
1004 | Bethel | Pitt | Field Of Dreams Park | 125,000 |
556 | Farmville | Pitt | Farmville Municipal Athletic Complex | 30,867 |
179 | Greenville | Pitt | Hardee Property | 12,788 |
860 | Greenville | Pitt | Greenville Amphitheater | 25,625 |
575 | Grifton | Pitt | Grifton Park Improvement | 22,883 |
1012 | Pitt County | Pitt | Pitt County District Park | 250,000 |
570 | Simpson | Pitt | Simpson Community Park | 5,600 |
859 | Winterville | Pitt | Winterville Recreation Park | 49,012 |
720 | Polk County | Polk | James R. Gibson Park | 111,078 |
408 | Tryon | Polk | Harmon Field Tennis Courts | 16,298 |
518 | Tryon | Polk | Roseland Community Park | 4,116 |
651 | Tryon | Polk | Woodland Park | 6,924 |
452 | Archdale | Randolph | Creekside Park | 59,617 |
1000 | Archdale | Randolph | Creekside Park Expansion - Archdale | 232,282 |
183 | Asheboro | Randolph | Asheboro Memorial Park | 215,840 |
622 | Asheboro | Randolph | North Asheboro Park | 201,229 |
844 | Asheboro | Randolph | Lake Reese Recreation Area | 51,250 |
937 | Asheboro | Randolph | North Asheboro Park II | 14,547 |
177 | Lexington | Randolph | Lake Thom-A-Lex | 10,724 |
420 | Liberty | Randolph | Freedom Park I | 65,822 |
490 | Liberty | Randolph | Freedom Park II | 30,862 |
732 | Liberty | Randolph | Freedom Park II | 30,516 |
1068 | Liberty | Randolph | Freedom Park renovation | 150,000 |
342 | Ramseur | Randolph | Allen Leonard Memorial Park | 10,500 |
645 | Ramseur | Randolph | Ramseur Reservoir Park | 50,951 |
141 | Randleman | Randolph | Randleman Park I | 8,000 |
229 | Randleman | Randolph | Randleman Park II | 28,588 |
752 | Randleman | Randolph | Randleman Park III | 26,050 |
502 | Dobbins Heights | Richmond | Dobbins Heights Park | 32,229 |
213 | Ellerbe | Richmond | Ellerbe Park | 18,799 |
242 | Hamlet | Richmond | East Side Park | 17,672 |
598 | Hamlet | Richmond | Hamlet City Park | 82,424 |
943 | Hamlet | Richmond | Hamlet City Lake | 50,087 |
551 | Richmond County | Richmond | Old Rockingham Ball Park | 4,655 |
623 | Richmond County | Richmond | East Rockingham Park | 211,487 |
390 | Rockingham | Richmond | Rockingham Park Development (2 parks) Ed Tull, Old Rockingham Ball Park | 390,014 |
140 | Lumberton | Robeson | Godwin Heights Park | 15,000 |
198 | Lumberton | Robeson | Godwin Heights Playfield | 1,279 |
326 | Lumberton | Robeson | West Drive Playground | 4,500 |
388 | Lumberton | Robeson | Godwin Heights Park | 98,295 |
815 | Lumberton | Robeson | French Park | 40,442 |
990 | Lumberton | Robeson | Multi-Purpose Sports Complex Acquisition | 88,459 |
1023 | Lumberton | Robeson | Northeast Park | 150,000 |
358 | Red Springs | Robeson | (3 parks) Buie Street, McLeod Road, Scottish Heights) | 20,545 |
488 | Robeson County | Robeson | (10 Parks) Fairmont, Magnolia, Maxton, Meadow Road, Parkton, Pembroke, Proctorville, Red Springs, St. Pauls, Prospect | 125,927 |
657 | Robeson County | Robeson | (9 Parks) Fairmont, Magnolia, Maxton, Meadow Road, Parkton, Pembroke, Proctorville Playground, Red Springs, St. Pauls | 60,743 |
681 | Robeson County | Robeson | St. Pauls District Park | 61,584 |
694 | Robeson County | Robeson | J. W. Hunt Memorial Park | 5,774 |
828 | Robeson County | Robeson | Swimming Pool | 51,255 |
818 | Eden | Rockingham | Bridge Street Neighborhood Park | 31,907 |
412 | Mayodan | Rockingham | Farris Memorial Park | 238,822 |
808 | Mayodan | Rockingham | Farris Memorial Park II | 35,981 |
622 | Mayodan/ Madison | Rockingham | Lewis Memorial Tennis Complex | 68,000 |
304 | Reidsville | Rockingham | Jaycee Park I | 15,835 |
733 | Reidsville | Rockingham | Jaycee Park II | 69,491 |
748 | Reidsville | Rockingham | Lake Reidsville | 18,949 |
503 | Stoneville | Rockingham | Stoneville Park I | 37,733 |
811 | Stoneville | Rockingham | Stoneville Park-II | 10,484 |
902 | Stoneville | Rockingham | Stoneville Park III | 11,418 |
799 | Cabarrus County | Rowan | Bakers Creek Park | 51,255 |
597 | China Grove | Rowan | Cannon Youth Park | 11,635 |
827 | Cleveland | Rowan | Cleveland Recreation Park | 51,255 |
612 | East Spencer | Rowan | Royal Giants Park | 86,049 |
847 | Granite Quarry | Rowan | Granite Civic Park/Lighting | 51,222 |
987 | Granite Quarry | Rowan | Granite Quarry Civic Park | 32,185 |
511 | Landis | Rowan | Beaver Street Park | 17,403 |
846 | Landis | Rowan | Landis Community Park | 51,250 |
377 | Rockwell | Rowan | Rockwell Playground | 13,067 |
69 | Rowan County | Rowan | Dan Nicholas Park I | 71,692 |
135 | Rowan County | Rowan | Dan Nicholas Park II | 1,563 |
204 | Rowan County | Rowan | Dan Nicholas Park III | 50,100 |
364 | Rowan County | Rowan | Ellis Park I | 39,168 |
471 | Rowan County | Rowan | Dan Nicholas Park IV - Tennis | 52,727 |
622 | Rowan County | Rowan | Ellis Park | 10,298 |
743 | Rowan County | Rowan | Kerr Mill-Sloan Park | 98,404 |
998 | Rowan County | Rowan | Dan Nicholas Park - Nature Center | 519,550 |
166 | Salisbury | Rowan | Oakland Heights Park | 16,589 |
233 | Salisbury | Rowan | Jaycee -Optimists Sports Complex | 4,000 |
674 | Salisbury | Rowan | Town Creek Park | 50,000 |
843 | Salisbury | Rowan | Hurley Memorial Park | 32,684 |
414 | Forest City | Rutherford | James F. Crowe Memorial Park I | 38,584 |
622 | Forest City | Rutherford | James Crowe Memorial Park | 44,633 |
914 | Lake Lure | Rutherford | Lake Lure Marina | 25,978 |
491 | Rutherford County | Rutherford | Chase Community Park | 56,795 |
659 | Rutherfordton | Rutherford | Clubhouse/Crestview Parks | 3,450 |
708 | Clinton | Sampson | Royal Lane Park - Phase II | 101,548 |
399 | Clinton & Sampson County | Sampson | Royal Lane Park | 110,513 |
833 | Harrells | Sampson | Harrells Community Playfield | 15,405 |
346 | Newton Grove | Sampson | Weeks Park | 79,527 |
548 | Newton Grove | Sampson | Weeks Park Expansion | 27,690 |
557 | Roseboro | Sampson | George McNeil Rose Park | 53,586 |
1019 | Sampson County | Sampson | Western District Park | 91,423 |
328 | Laurinburg | Scotland | Laurinburg Tennis Center | 35,054 |
1001 | Scotland County | Scotland | Scotland County Recreation Complex | 520,346 |
253 | Albemarle | Stanly | Montgomery Memorial Park | 73,559 |
610 | Albemarle | Stanly | Morehead Memorial Park | 353,380 |
614 | Locust | Stanly | Locust Community Park | 20,531 |
817 | Locust | Stanly | Locust Community Park II | 5,715 |
451 | Norwood | Stanly | Norwood Memorial Park | 50,000 |
622 | Oakboro | Stanly | Oakboro Community Park | 15,118 |
702 | Oakboro | Stanly | Oakboro Community Park II | 8,631 |
211 | Richfield | Stanly | Richfield Park I | 20,344 |
322 | Richfield | Stanly | Richfield Park II | 13,200 |
437 | Richfield | Stanly | Richfield Park III | 48,822 |
394 | Stanfield | Stanly | Stanfield Park I | 7,130 |
625 | Stanfield | Stanly | Stanfield Park II | 13,501 |
383 | King | Stokes | King Recreation Acres I | 46,950 |
614 | King | Stokes | Kings Recreation Acres II | 30,966 |
912 | King | Stokes | King Recreation Acres III | 31,173 |
956 | King | Stokes | King Recreation Acres IV | 14,547 |
973 | King | Stokes | King Greenway | 18,934 |
305 | Stokes County | Stokes | Moratock Park | 13,390 |
419 | Stokes County | Stokes | Walnut Cove Lion's Park | 65,944 |
564 | Stokes County | Stokes | Pinnacle Recreation Park | 19,626 |
700 | Stokes County | Stokes | East Walnut Cove Community Park | 48,879 |
496 | Elkin | Surry | Elkin Municipal Park I | 188,803 |
660 | Elkin | Surry | Elkin Municipal Park II | 100,000 |
884 | Elkin | Surry | Crater Park/Elkin Mun. Park III | 11,855 |
403 | Mt. Airy | Surry | Riverside Park | 73,708 |
784 | Mt. Airy | Surry | Westwood Recreational Park | 51,255 |
881 | Mt. Airy | Surry | Westwood Park II | 42,789 |
883 | Bryson City / Swain County | Swain | Bryson City Island/Swain Co. Park-V | 24,707 |
928 | Bryson City / Swain County | Swain | Riverfront Park I/Island Park II | 14,755 |
234 | Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians | Swain | Norman Maney Recreation Park | 118,182 |
306 | Swain County | Swain | Swain County Park I | 27,349 |
348 | Swain County | Swain | Swain County Park II | 60,100 |
484 | Swain County | Swain | Swain County Park III | 170,894 |
755 | Swain County | Swain | Swain County Park IV | 17,785 |
367 | Brevard | Transylvania | Franklin Park | 44,865 |
273 | Transylvania County | Transylvania | Silversteen Park | 132,983 |
485 | Transylvania County | Transylvania | Champion Park I | 111,423 |
754 | Transylvania County | Transylvania | South Broad Park/Champion Park II | 19,334 |
607 | Columbia | Tyrrell | Town Park | 24,008 |
417 | Marshville | Union | Marshville Park | 30,558 |
741 | Marshville | Union | Marshville Park II | 27,836 |
333 | Monroe | Union | Creft Park | 42,400 |
509 | Monroe | Union | Sutton Park | 6,500 |
605 | Monroe | Union | Dickerson Park Expansion I | 140,253 |
768 | Monroe | Union | Dickerson Park Expansion II | 9,196 |
824 | Stallings | Union | Stallings Municipal Park | 20,502 |
525 | Union County | Union | Cane Creek Project Improvement | 44,969 |
955 | Union County | Union | Lake Park | 51,955 |
1005 | Union County | Union | Jesse Helms Park | 250,000 |
232 | Henderson | Vance | Chestnut Street Park | 11,767 |
385 | Henderson | Vance | Fox Pond Park | 75,800 |
931 | Apex | Wake | Apex Community Park | 51,955 |
970 | Apex | Wake | Apex Community Park | 77,933 |
1046 | Apex | Wake | Salem Pond Park | 150,000 |
310 | Cary | Wake | Urban Park | 30,800 |
462 | Cary | Wake | Hemlock Bluffs State Park | 86,297 |
528 | Cary | Wake | Annie L. Jones Park | 82,312 |
680 | Cary | Wake | Northwoods Park | 110,070 |
731 | Cary | Wake | Fred G. Bond Metro Park | 254,300 |
402 | Fuquay Varina | Wake | Fuquay-Varina Recreation Park | 67,717 |
255 | Garner | Wake | Garner Recreation Park I | 15,000 |
300 | Garner | Wake | Garner Recreation Park II | 6,049 |
386 | Garner | Wake | Garner Recreation Park III | 17,500 |
473 | Garner | Wake | South Garner Park I | 52,254 |
623 | Garner | Wake | South Garner Park | 60,000 |
547 | Holly Springs | Wake | Holly Springs Town Park | 24,784 |
349 | Knightdale | Wake | Knightdale Recreation Park | 24,694 |
62 | Raleigh | Wake | Carolina Pines Park | 32,461 |
63 | Raleigh | Wake | Lake Wheeler Park | 5,431 |
64 | Raleigh | Wake | Biltmore Hills Park I | 49,087 |
65 | Raleigh | Wake | Worthdale Park | 24,299 |
67 | Raleigh | Wake | Kentwood Park | 42,069 |
68 | Raleigh | Wake | Lions Park | 19,231 |
100 | Raleigh | Wake | Biltmore Hills Park II | 8,175 |
105 | Raleigh | Wake | North Hills Park | 30,000 |
134 | Raleigh | Wake | Optimist Park | 53,130 |
212 | Raleigh | Wake | Eastgate Park | 52,500 |
237 | Raleigh | Wake | City Park Development Project | 119,265 |
259 | Raleigh | Wake | Recreation Land Acquisitions | 226,012 |
261 | Raleigh | Wake | Laurel Hills Park Acquisition | 181,752 |
369 | Raleigh | Wake | Powell Drive Park | 100,409 |
545 | Raleigh | Wake | Sanderford Road Park | 50,000 |
615 | Raleigh | Wake | Camp Durant Acquisition | 530,500 |
782 | Raleigh | Wake | Sanderford Road Park | 50,774 |
958 | Raleigh | Wake | Lake Johnson Park | 58,917 |
976 | Raleigh | Wake | Neuse River Canoe Trail | 25,722 |
1006 | Raleigh | Wake | Honeycutt Road Park | 171,483 |
1025 | Rolesville | Wake | Main Street Park | 100,000 |
896 | Wake County | Wake | Blue Jay Point Development | 103,910 |
1048 | Wake County | Wake | Turnipseed Nature Preserve | 250,000 |
561 | Wake Forest | Wake | Holding Community Park | 40,000 |
776 | Wake Forest | Wake | North Taylor Street Park | 13,589 |
1003 | Wake Forest | Wake | Joyner Park Acquisition | 337,777 |
1011 | Wake Forest | Wake | Joyner Park Phase I | 250,000 |
531 | Wendell | Wake | Wendell Park I | 38,308 |
649 | Wendell | Wake | Wendell Park II | 29,670 |
838 | Wendell | Wake | Wendell Park III | 20,502 |
480 | Zebulon | Wake | Zebulon Recreation Park | 54,436 |
952 | Zebulon | Wake | Zebulon Community Park II | 31,173 |
235 | Plymouth | Washington | Water Street Park | 4,540 |
521 | Washington County | Washington | Pea Ridge Park | 33,191 |
653 | Blowing Rock | Watauga | Blowing Rock Park I | 30,186 |
852 | Blowing Rock | Watauga | Blowing Rock Pool Renovation | 41,000 |
927 | Blowing Rock | Watauga | Glenn Burney Trail | 15,587 |
908 | Boone | Watauga | Boone Greenway | 52,319 |
329 | Watauga County | Watauga | Watauga Rec Complex I | 58,625 |
550 | Watauga County | Watauga | Watauga Rec Complex II | 24,180 |
618 | Watauga County | Watauga | Howard's Knob Park | 32,287 |
756 | Watauga County | Watauga | Watauga Rec Complex III | 14,814 |
836 | Watauga County | Watauga | Green Valley Pool Renovation | 21,316 |
865 | Watauga County | Watauga | Watauga Rec Complex IV | 37,705 |
445 | Fremont | Wayne | Jr. Peele Park | 26,025 |
778 | Goldsboro | Wayne | Quail Park Development | 48,325 |
623 | Mt. Olive | Wayne | (2 Parks) ,Daughtry Field, Nelson Street | 59,058 |
137 | North Wilkesboro | Wilkes | Smoot Park | 4,160 |
152 | North Wilkesboro | Wilkes | North Wilkesboro Municipal Park | 66,321 |
249 | North Wilkesboro | Wilkes | VFW Park | 29,987 |
614 | North Wilkesboro | Wilkes | Town Park | 29,874 |
773 | North Wilkesboro | Wilkes | Memorial Park | 51,000 |
466 | Wilkesboro | Wilkes | Westwood Park | 26,512 |
195 | Wilson | Wilson | Reid Street Center | 8,142 |
271 | Wilson | Wilson | Lighting & Pool Filter Addition | 5,993 |
363 | Wilson | Wilson | Wedgewood Recreational Facility | 150,000 |
524 | Wilson | Wilson | Wilson Recreation Park Swimming Pool | 133,757 |
623 | Wilson | Wilson | Belle Meade Park | 13,407 |
1027 | Wilson | Wilson | Burt Gillette Athletic Complex | 100,000 |
735 | Boonville | Yadkin | Boonville Recreation Park | 6,103 |
336 | Jonesville | Yadkin | Swain Memorial Park | 72,919 |
269 | Yadkin County | Yadkin | Richmond Hill Nature Park I | 24,694 |
455 | Yadkin County | Yadkin | Yadkin County Park I | 50,930 |
734 | Yadkin County | Yadkin | Richmond Hill Nature Park II | 10,014 |
849 | Yadkin County | Yadkin | Yadkin County Park - II | 11,084 |
712 | Yadkinville | Yadkin | Yadkinville Tennis Courts | 4,069 |
593 | Yancey County | Yancey | Yancey County Recreation Park | 77,608 |
This page was last modified on 08/01/2022